The Federation Quilter Sewing & Embroidery



Even though we haven’t been able to meet for the last 3 Tuesdays due to the car park renovations at the Yerbury Centre, the group has still been fairly active.

30 quilt have been delivered to Malvern House for which they were very grateful. As there are a few of us with quilt tops already made, the quilting machine is going to be in hot demand when we can get hack to it. The machine had it’s first service a few weeks ago and is ready and waiting. Andrew Russell Veteran Living is going to he the beneficiary of the majority of these when finished.

The Coral Quilt drawn at the May BBQ was won by M. Norman, who has decided to on-sell it to help raise funds for the Vietnam Veterans SA Charity Group, who support 3 orphanages in Vietnam and one in Cambodia. As they have not been able to meet as often as previously due to Covid, they would appreciate help from anyone. The quilt raised over $500 for the VVF and is expected to make that much again in resale.

We hope everyone who has been on the sick list is improving and we certainly look forward to getting together again.

Carolyn Davenport – Coordinator